Total Body Dumbbell or Kettlebell WorkoutStart with a 5 minute warm up
POWER - 10 minute AMRAP - as many reps as possible (4 or more rounds) -Broad Jump x 5 -Plank Up Downs x 10 total -Sprinter Starts x 20 total -Bicycle Twists x 40 total STRENGTH/CONDITIONING - 30 sec. work/ 10 sec. rest x 4 each *rest 1 minute after 4 sets are completed. 1) Deadlifts Swings 2) Chest Press Burpees 3) Alternating Reverse Lunges Skaters 4) Alternating Overhead Press Bench Vaults CORE FINISHER - 5min EMOTM (Every Minute on the Minute) Star Jumps x 5 Spider Plank x 10 total High Knees x 15 per side 5 minute cool down and stretch Let me know if you have any questions, and if you like the workout!
Add 1, Subtract 1! 20 Minute Body Weight WorkoutThis workout includes a 5 minute warm-up and a 15 minute workout.
Here is a quick workout for when you don't have a lot of time but still want to get in a full body workout. I really like the format I used for this workout - ADD ONE / SUBTRACT ONE - Each round starts with 20 reps High Knees, then you add #1. Round 2, complete the 20 High Knees, #1 and add #2. Round 3, 20 High Knees, add #1, add #2 and add #3... Once you complete 1-5, start subtracting 1 exercise. So round 6 would be, 20 High Knees, #2, #3, #4, #5. Round 7 would be 20 High Knees, #3, #4, #5... Your final round would be 20 High Knees and #5 only. If that was too confusing, here is another way to look at it... 20 Reps every round + #1 + #1 + #2 + #1 + #2 + #3
THE WORKOUT 20 HIGH KNEES/side #1 PUSH-UPS #2 JUMP LUNGES/side #3 TRICEP DIPS #4 BURPEES #5 V-UPS Have fun and let me know what you think or if you have any questions. Don't forget to cool down and stretch out after you complete the workout. |