Outdoor WorkoutHere's a great workout for you to take outside to your local soccer, football, baseball field. It does require some running, so consider yourself forewarned😜 You will need about 50 yards of running space (1/2 of a football field), a bench or something you can jump up to or do dips on and definitely some water!
POWER - Sprint and Push-up Ladder (subtract 2 Squat Thrusts after each sprint) 25 yard Sprint Squat Thrust x 10 25 yard Sprint Squat Thrust x 8... Keep repeating, alternating the sprint and squat thrusts, until you complete 2 squat thrusts. If you want more, go back up! STRENGTH - Complete 5 Reps of each exercise in your 1st round, then 10 each, then 15 each and in the last round, complete 20 reps of each. Box Jumps (squat jumps if you can't find a bench) Push-ups (incline- hands on the bench (easier)/decline- feet on the bench (harder)) Rear Foot Elevated Lunges /side Triceps Dips METCON - 45 sec. work/ 15 sec. rest x 3 Rounds 1. Burpees 2. Toe Taps 3. Shuffle w/ Touchdown 4. Jump Lunges 5. Plank Up Downs CORE - EMOTM x 5 minutes 5 V-Ups 10 Spider Plank 15 Bicycles/side Plank until the top of the next minute REPEAT 4 more times! FINISHER - 3 to 5 Rounds (depending on how you feel😜) 50 yard Sprint (as fast as possible) Walk back to start 25 yard Bear Crawl Walking Lunge back to start REPEAT 3-5x I hope you enjoy the workout!
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Your Power, Strength & Endurance WorkoutHere is a great workout for explosive power, strength and endurance. All you need is one heavy dumbbell (between 10-30 lbs). If you have a small box or stairs for jumps and fast feet, great! If not, I gave you an alternative.
POWER - 5 min ladder - alternate back and forth between Ex. A and Ex. B for 5 min. Ex. A increases by one each set and Ex. B stays at ten reps/side every set. Try to get to 10 Drop Squat Jacks and 10 Climbers before 5 min. is up. Rest 1 min. and then complete the 2nd ladder- same format, for 5 min. A. DB Drop Squat Jacks 1,2,3,4... B. Cross- Body Mt. Climbers 10/side
STRENGTH - EMOTM (Every Minute on the Minute) x 10 minutes At the top of each odd minute (1,3,5,7,9), complete the lower body reps. At the top of each even minute (2,4,6,8,10), complete the upper body reps. The quicker you complete your reps, the more rest you will have. Odd Minute: Bulgarian Lunges R & L x 10/side Jump Lunges x 10 total Even Minute: Tripod Plank Row R & L x 10/side DB Swings x 10 METCON - 60 sec.resistance/10 sec.rest then 30 sec. high intensity/20 sec.rest Complete 2 Rounds A. DB Snatch 30sec.R & 30sec.L (60sec.) Squat Jumps (30sec.) B. Walking Push-ups (60sec.) Skaters (30sec.) C. DB Thrusters 30sec.R & 30sec.L (60sec.) Box Hops (30sec.) or broad jumps if you don't have a box D. Plank Up Downs (60sec.) Line Taps CORE FINISHER - 5 min. Ladder (like above in your Power block, except this time decrease from 10-1)