HIIT- 30/10 x 3 Rds 10 Min
MetCon- AMRAP x 10 Min 20 Ski Swings 15 Squat to Press 10 Bridge to Pullover 5 Pushup to T Rotation/Side *Goal is to get at least 3 rounds HIIT- 30/10 x 3 Rds 10 Min
Finisher- EMOTM x 10 Min Odd 15 Boat Rope Climbs/Side 15 Jump Squats Even 15 Bicycles/Side 15 Skaters/Side *Every minute at the top of the minute, complete 15 Reps/each exercise. *Modify with 10 Reps each. *You should have 10-15 sec rest before the next minute.